Northampton Borough Council are pleased to invite local landlords to the next meeting of the Landlord Forum which will be hosted by Councillor Mary Markham (the Leader of Northampton Borough Council) and take place between 6.00pm – 8.00pm on Tuesday, 20 October in the Guildhall, Northampton
The focus of the meeting
As you will note from the attached Agenda, we have a varied and interesting mix of presentations and group discussion that will offer the opportunity for landlords and managing agents to learn, network and exchange ideas and information.
Our two Speakers will focus on the following:
The implications of the Deregulation Act 2015
Multi agency working to tackle criminal and rogue landlords
After the Speakers’ presentations, everyone will have the chance to participate in one of four group discussions focusing on the following issues:
HMO Management Regulations & Licensing
Planning Consent and the Article 4 Directive
Housing Benefit and Universal Credit
Trading Standards and Lettings
Refreshments, buffet and information stands
Refreshments (sandwiches / finger buffet) will be available from 5:30pm
A range of organisations will be providing information stands.
Booking your place
If you would like to attend please e-mail us at as this will help us with the organisation and catering.
Landlords will be awarded 2 hours CPD towards their DASH Landlord Accreditation for attending this event.