DASH Services

"Where we live defines who we are.
Poor housing is linked to poor health and reduces people’s life chances."

Linda Cobb OBE DASH Services Principal Manager

What happens during a DASH inspection?

DASH will aim to carry out a minimum 10% sample inspection rate of your property list to ensure that you are meeting the Code of Conduct standards.

A trained verifier will visit the property at a time agreed with the landlord/ agent. You must ensure that the tenants have 24 hours notice of the visit. 

The verifier will look in all rooms and communal areas of the property, including the basement if applicable, and any outside space. The verifier will be checking for a variety of things; including fire safety, amenity levels and ensuring that there are no hazards.

Approximately 2 weeks following the visit the landlord will receive a property improvement plan detailing the outcome of the visit.

Landlords are encouraged to attend these visits to gain as much information as possible, especially when landlords are looking at gaining accreditation as soon as possible – this will help speed up the process if minor works are required.

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