Ageing Better in Lincolnshire
The number of people over 55 living in private rented accommodation has more than doubled since 2003 and this trend is set to continue. Despite this trend, England has some of the oldest housing stock in Europe. As we age, it’s even more important the homes we live in suit our needs and are in good condition so people can stay independent and in good health. By considering home improvements and repairs, landlords open their market to more older tenants, many of whom are seeking long-term homes.
The Centre for Ageing Better is currently working with Lincolnshire County and District Council’s to explore how to help people live independently in their homes for as long as possible. This includes looking at improving systems and support for adaptations, repairs, heating and other things that improve the condition of the home.
As an integral part of this, we want to better understand how to support landlords to improve their properties. To get involved, please get in touch with