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Gedling and Ashfield Council's guidance to Landlords

Some information has been circulated regarding proposed changes by the government to help protect tenants and landlords within the rented sector during Coronavirus. The information states that it is the government’s intention that no renter in either social or private accommodation will be forced out of their home during this period (the information suggest this will be for a period of at least three months).

This means that:

  • Landlords will not be permitted to start new proceedings to evict tenants for at least three months.
  • No new possession proceedings through the courts will be permitted
  • Three month mortgage holiday extended to buy to let landlords whose tenants are experiencing financial difficulties.
  • At the end of this three month period the expectation is that the landlord and tenant work together to establish an affordable repayment plan, taking into account the tenants individual circumstances
  • Guidance issued to landlords asking that they show compassion and to allow tenants who are affected to remain in their homes where possible

At this stage it is not clear exactly what happens with tenants and landlords where the process of eviction has already commenced as this only seems to apply to stopping new proceedings.

Further information can be found by cutting and pasting these links:



Please refer to www.gov.uk website for regular updates.

This document was produced on the 24th March 2020. Due to the current Coronavirus Pandemic this information is subject to change and we advise that you use the above website for regular updates and information.

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