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More than a roof

How incentives can improve standards in the private rented sector

The CIEH was part of a round table consultation on this new report which examines the use of incentives in the PRS.



The private rented sector is growing and, as it expands, it is housing an increasingly diverse group of tenants - including a higher proportion of people across every income bracket and a growing number of families with children.

With more and more people living in the private rented sector, what can be done to tackle variable standards in property condition and management  and the challenge of rising rents and affordability for the this generation rent?

This report recommends a combination of a clearer and better enforced set of minimum legal standards, a stronger role for accreditation with incentives to encourage landlords into accreditation and improve property standards.

Read the full report - More than a Roof - How incentives can improve standards in the private rented sector

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