RIAMS & Knowledge Hub
RIAMS is the platform through which to explore the latest guidance in environmental health and exchange best practice through peer-to-peer discussion.
RIAMS (Regulatory Information and Management System) has been in existence for well over a decade and serves 60% of local authorities across the UK.
Within its Libraries section, it provides a wide range of up-to-date, relevant and reliable insight for regulatory professionals, covering the following:
- Administration
- Planning
- Enforcement
- Environmental crime
- Environmental protection
- Food hygiene
- Health and safety
- Housing
- Licensing
- Pest control
- Public health
Procedures and guidance are reviewed on an annual basis, to ensure they remain current. Within these, users can upload local content, for example, contact details within a department, allowing you to tailor things to your requirements.
It provides a wealth of benefits for housing practitioners including:
- Regularly updated procedures and documents
- Complete with legal notices
- Free ‘new content’ request service
- A place to share folders and best practice
- The ability to create communities for knowledge sharing
- An opportunity to earn CPD hours
- Enable new ways of working
Get involved in RIAMS Communities for FREE
RIAMS Communities is ever evolving, with new content, discussions and updates.
Login | RIAMS Libraries we have seen a flurry of updated content around pollution control, surveying residential premises, nuisance, defective water closets, unauthorised encampments, investigating odour from commercial premises, entry by warrant, health and wellbeing and air quality monitoring, amongst others.
Peer-to-peer discussions continue on RIAMS Communities; seeing a variety of rich conversations around private water supplies and housing, and informative posts from the Association of Chief Environmental Health Officers, alongside guidance from well-respected contributors such as ASB specialist and many more.
For more information on how to access this facility via your local authority’s DASH subscription please email Jonathan Williams: jwilliams@rheglobal.com or call 0844 801 0733
To view RIAMS terms and conditions visit View Licence | My Account (rheglobal.com)
Peter Wright from Operation Jigsaw has also created 25 minute video on using both RIAMS and KHUB without having to go into the forums regularly: https://vimeo.com/1031994261?share=copy#t=0
Knowledge Hub - NTSELAT
A community space and bank of resources for local authority enforcement officers to engage and share knowledge in relation to property sales and lettings.
Home - National Trading Standards Estate and Letting Agency Team (NTSELAT) - Knowledge Hub
Peter Wright from Operation Jigsaw has also created 25 minute video on using both RIAMS and KHUB without having to go into the forums regularly: https://vimeo.com/1031994261?share=copy#t=0
Peter has also put together this - Useful Top Tips for RIAMS & KHUB doc